Julia and Jupyter

Zhonghua Zheng (zhonghua.zheng@outlook.com)

Last update: 2021/04/26


Here we would

  • download and install Julia

  • create our conda environment “julia”

  • use Jupyter notebook on HPC with a GPU


Make sure you have “git” and “conda” available.

If “conda” is not available, please follow the “Conda Installation

download and Install Julia

Note here we create another environment “julia” other than “partmc”.

# Download and install julia: https://julialang.org/downloads/platform/#linux_and_freebsd
$ cd $HOME
# If you are using Campus Cluster
$ cd /projects/your_path
$ wget https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/x64/1.6/julia-1.6.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf julia-1.6.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ mv julia-1.6.1 julia

###### important ######
# Edit .bash_profile or .bashrc, add ":$HOME/julia/bin"
# assume the original one is "PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/miniconda3/bin" 
# then we would have 
# "PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$HOME/julia/bin"
# if we use Campus Cluster, please change it accordingly, e.g., 
# "PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/projects/ctessum/zzheng25/miniconda3/bin:/projects/ctessum/zzheng25/julia/bin" 

# Activate the conda system, depends on which one you edited 
$ source .bash_profile
$ source .bashrc

create our conda environment “julia”

# create conda environment and install jupyter notebook
$ conda create -n julia
$ conda activate julia
$ conda install -c conda-forge python=3.7 jupyter

# ref: https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl
$ julia
# please change the path accordingly
julia> ENV["JUPYTER"] ="/projects/ctessum/zzheng25/miniconda3/envs/julia/bin/jupyter"
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()
julia> Pkg.add("JLLWrappers"); Pkg.add("libsodium_jll"); Pkg.add("ZMQ")
# julia> Pkg.build("libsodium_jll"); Pkg.build("ZMQ")
julia> using JLLWrappers, libsodium_jll, ZMQ
julia> Pkg.add("IJulia")
julia> using IJulia
julia> Pkg.add("CUDA")
julia> using CUDA

$ ln -s your_julia_location/bin/julia your_conda_location/envs/julia/bin/julia
# e.g., $ ln -s /projects/ctessum/zzheng25/julia/bin/julia /projects/ctessum/zzheng25/miniconda3/envs/julia/bin/julia

use Jupyter notebook on HPC with a GPU

step 1: run the following script


# if use gpu:
srun --partition=ctessum --nodes=1 --time=03:00:00 --gres=gpu:QuadroRTX6000:1 --pty bash -i
# cpu only:
# srun --partition=ctessum --nodes=1 --time=03:00:00 --pty bash -i
source activate julia
echo "ssh -N -L 8880:`hostname -i`:8880 $USER@cc-login.campuscluster.illinois.edu"
jupyter notebook --port=8880 --no-browser --ip=`hostname -i`

step 2: launch a new terminal, copy and paste the command printed by the “echo” command, and log in

step 3: open your browse (e.g., Google Chrome), type https://localhost:8880

Trouble Shooting

GPU relevant commands

$ lspci | grep -i nvidia
$ nvidia-smi
julia > CUDA.version()
julia > CUDA.versioninfo()
julia > [CUDA.capability(dev) for dev in CUDA.devices()]

kill session:

$ ps -u your_netid -f | grep ssh
$ kill -9 session_id

for nfs:

$ lsof | grep nfs00000
$ kill -9 session_id