Multiple Scenarios with Scheduler

Zhonghua Zheng (

Last update: 2021/05/23

Note: If you turn mosaic off, you can’t have “do_optical” setup in the “.spec” file.


Here we would run multiple scenarios using NCSA’s Scheduler

We can name the script as “”. This script would launch 300 PartMC scenarios in parallel.

Here we have to modify the script accordingly (See INSTRUCTION within the script), then submit the job by executing sbatch

#SBATCH --job-name=case_mcm_300
#SBATCH -n 301
#SBATCH -p sesebig 
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000
# Email if failed run
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
# Email when finished
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
# My email address

# the parent_path contains cases/ folder
export SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR=/data/keeling/a/zzheng25/scenario_generator
# case folder name under cases/case_*
export case=case_mcm_300
# number of (scenarios+1)
export scenario_num_plus_1=301
# PartMC path
export PMC_PATH=/data/keeling/a/zzheng25/partmc-mcm/PartMC
# Path for results
export WORK_DIR=/data/keeling/a/zzheng25/d/mcm_test

# module load gnu/openmpi-3.1.6-gnu-9.3.0
# cd Scheduler
# mpif90 -o scheduler.x scheduler.F90
# mv scheduler.x ..
# chmod 744
# sed -i 's/\r//g' 
# Within
# - define your job name, e.g., "SBATCH --job-name=case_mcm_300"
# - define "#SBATCH -n XXX" (XXX should be the same as "scenario_num_plus_1")
# - define the user email
# - define the variables in export XXX
# type: sbatch

######## Do not Change ########
# The job script can create its own job-ID-unique directory 
# to run within.  In that case you'll need to create and populate that 
# directory with executables and inputs
cp -r $PMC_PATH/build build
cp -r $PMC_PATH/src src

# Copy the scenario directory that holds all the inputs files
cp -r $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/cases/$case/scenarios .

# Copy things to run this job
# Need the scheduler and the joblist
cp $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/scheduler.x .
cp $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/cases/$case/joblist .

# Run the library. One core per job plus one for the master.
mpirun -np $scenario_num_plus_1 ./scheduler.x joblist /bin/bash -noexit -nostdout > log