Python and Jupyter

Zhonghua Zheng (

Last update: 2022/02/17


Here we would

  • use Jupyter notebook on HPC with a GPU


Make sure you have a conda environment (”partmc”) available.

If the “partmc” conda environment is not available, please follow the “Conda Installation

use Jupyter notebook on HPC with a GPU

step 1: run the following script

Please change the partition and gpu configuration accordingly


# if use gpu:
srun --partition=ctessum --nodes=1 --time=03:00:00 --gres=gpu:QuadroRTX6000:1 --pty bash -i
# cpu only:
# srun --partition=ctessum --nodes=1 --time=03:00:00 --pty bash -i
source activate partmc
echo "ssh -N -L 8880:`hostname -i`:8880 $"
jupyter notebook --port=8880 --no-browser --ip=`hostname -i`

Note: if the command from “echo” doesn’t work. Please use the command below as a replacement

echo "ssh -t -t $ -L 8880:localhost:8880 ssh `hostname` -L 8880:localhost:8880"

# a reference for UCAR's HPC
echo "ssh -N -L 8880:`hostname`:8880 $USER@`hostname`"
jupyter notebook --port=8880 --no-browser --ip=`hostname`

Note: if you are using keeling:

qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=32 -l walltime=24:00:00
source activate
conda activate partmc
echo "ssh -N -L 8880: $"
jupyter notebook --port=8880 --no-browser --ip=

step 2: launch a new terminal, copy and paste the command printed by the “echo” command, and log in

step 3: open your browse (e.g., Google Chrome), type https://localhost:8880

Trouble Shooting

GPU relevant command

$ lspci | grep -i nvidia
$ nvidia-smi

kill session:

$ ps -u your_netid -f | grep ssh
$ kill -9 session_id

for nfs:

$ lsof | grep nfs00000
$ kill -9 session_id